
Add players and alliances to your favorites for quick access! Just click on the star icon on the page of the desired player or alliance
Anniversary of GREPOLIFE - 5 years with you!

We hope you enjoy using our statistics over the years. To celebrate the anniversary, we have prepared a big update:

1. Mobile-Friendly interfase
Finally. We did it. Now you can comfortably use our stats from your mobile device! Try it right now!

2. Favorites
Now you can add players and alliances to your favorites list, just click on the star icon on the page of the desired player or alliance

3. World map
The map now displays the number of the ocean.
The created map can now be shared, it will be available via the link and stored for a week.

In the process of updating the layout, a lot of changes have been made, so in case of errors or bugs, please let us know via email info@grepolife.com


World summary
Active players: 255, inactive within 2-7 days: 48
Fight points today: Attack -12 268, Defence: 40 228
Conquers today: 19
Players and alliances
Best fighters of day
Attack Alliance
+41087  The Invited
+32912  Ghost Pirates
+31341  Outlawz
+29206  Scorpions
+4774  Moors
+3911  The Accepted
+1403  Mass Input
+721  Invisible warriors
+662  SoloOroLobo
+389  RED DAWN
Defence Alliance
+22715  Outlawz
+7379  Moors
+5818  The Invited
+1716  Scorpions
+751  Warriors of The Virtues
+740  Ghost Pirates
+656  The Accepted
+279  Mass Input
+0  PureBlood Kingdom
+0  Dunford
Defence Player Alliance
+15093 dwaugh23  Outlawz
+6993 Ponce D  Outlawz
+5430 Gene B.  The Invited
+4638 Limani  Moors
+1332 Dinna  Moors
+980 glennis 101  Scorpions
+714 .honcho.  Scorpions
+653 Sputticus  The Accepted
+626 Andrew the Brave  Moors
+619 HTTR  Outlawz
+514 Papa Woody  Ghost Pirates
+411 zonedout  Moors
+279 KTF1  Mass Input
+191 rosco12  The Invited
+175 Aasveig  Moors
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Last 25 world conquests
DateCityPointsOld ownerNew owner
05.12, 19:09 [town]36060[/town] 6802 Ghost city VonClownstick
The Accepted
05.12, 18:56 [town]20888[/town] 12552 Mangekyou nigel dalby
The Invited
05.12, 18:39 [town]46456[/town] 5287 Ghost city macgeekmom
The Accepted
05.12, 16:21 [town]41003[/town] 8304 Ghost city Dactus
05.12, 16:17 [town]46356[/town] 7875 Ghost city kwitit
05.12, 14:58 [town]46945[/town] 1188 Ghost city Telamonian Ajax.
The Accepted
05.12, 13:40 [town]40536[/town] 14376 Ghost city mjwest11
The Invited
05.12, 12:36 [town]44724[/town] 16794 Ghost city syclone49
05.12, 12:14 [town]46763[/town] 2300 Ghost city Telamonian Ajax.
The Accepted
05.12, 11:49 [town]46610[/town] 4994 Ghost city Telamonian Ajax.
The Accepted
05.12, 11:29 [town]30921[/town] 16836 Ghost city syclone49
05.12, 10:39 [town]22078[/town] 10163 Ghost city teddd
The Invited
05.12, 10:36 [town]46508[/town] 2686 Ghost city Glydmaster
The Accepted
05.12, 07:31 [town]46674[/town] 3088 Ghost city Telamonian Ajax.
The Accepted
05.12, 07:20 [town]29578[/town] 13567 Ghost city AKILIAN
The Accepted
05.12, 05:18 [town]43538[/town] 4061 Ghost city Nomos
05.12, 05:08 [town]43576[/town] 11268 Ghost city Nomos
05.12, 03:59 [town]1290[/town] 14998 Ghost city Alexander Macedonian
Ghost Pirates
05.12, 00:16 [town]46455[/town] 6160 Ghost city jironfield
04.12, 23:23 [town]13557[/town] 16039 Gene B.
The Invited
04.12, 23:20 [town]12279[/town] 14514 Gene B.
The Invited
04.12, 22:43 [town]21181[/town] 13073 Gene B.
The Invited
04.12, 22:02 [town]24414[/town] 13821 Gene B.
The Invited
04.12, 22:01 [town]22518[/town] 17314 Gene B.
The Invited
04.12, 21:43 [town]47639[/town] 700 Ghost city Telamonian Ajax.
The Accepted
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Alliances ranking
TOP100 alliances

GREPOLIFE is an unofficial 3rd party site. Grepolis is the intellectual property of InnoGames GmbH
Contact us via e-mail: info@grepolife.com