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Anniversary of GREPOLIFE - 5 years with you!

We hope you enjoy using our statistics over the years. To celebrate the anniversary, we have prepared a big update:

1. Mobile-Friendly interfase
Finally. We did it. Now you can comfortably use our stats from your mobile device! Try it right now!

2. Favorites
Now you can add players and alliances to your favorites list, just click on the star icon on the page of the desired player or alliance

3. World map
The map now displays the number of the ocean.
The created map can now be shared, it will be available via the link and stored for a week.

In the process of updating the layout, a lot of changes have been made, so in case of errors or bugs, please let us know via email info@grepolife.com


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Последние 25 завоеваний мира
ДатаГородОчковСтарый владелецНовый владелец
01.12, 14:52 [town]1030[/town] 6345 Город-призрак Миросоздатель
*I Can Feel Your Death*
01.12, 13:44 [town]2662[/town] 16657 Город-призрак litwinow
*I Can Feel Your Death*
01.12, 03:57 [town]6249[/town] 12692 vanokan
Империя Селевкидов
*I Can Feel Your Death*
01.12, 00:46 [town]2476[/town] 11027 Город-призрак sened
* С Т А Я *
30.11, 22:35 [town]4370[/town] 7724 Город-призрак litwinow
*I Can Feel Your Death*
30.11, 20:02 [town]1707[/town] 10121 Город-призрак merline
* С Т А Я *
30.11, 15:21 [town]8618[/town] 3619 Город-призрак litwinow
*I Can Feel Your Death*
30.11, 15:02 [town]3999[/town] 10545 Город-призрак b5b2b17
* С Т А Я *
30.11, 07:06 [town]9419[/town] 2536 Город-призрак Евген834
* С Т А Я *
30.11, 01:15 [town]10569[/town] 1038 Vuhased
Свет истины
*I Can Feel Your Death*
30.11, 01:10 [town]2990[/town] 8804 Город-призрак litwinow
*I Can Feel Your Death*
29.11, 22:06 [town]2660[/town] 9369 Город-призрак ehduard
* С Т А Я *
29.11, 12:43 [town]8510[/town] 8859 Город-призрак KHRSVN
Империя Селевкидов
29.11, 10:15 [town]6102[/town] 12254 vanokan
Империя Селевкидов
*I Can Feel Your Death*
29.11, 09:09 [town]9646[/town] 4476 Город-призрак Sergserg2
29.11, 07:16 [town]9660[/town] 3664 Город-призрак rebusa
* С Т А Я *
29.11, 05:27 [town]10078[/town] 4336 Город-призрак litwinow
*I Can Feel Your Death*
29.11, 04:58 [town]6664[/town] 10594 Город-призрак icon
* С Т А Я *
29.11, 01:28 [town]6727[/town] 14355 Город-призрак Nowaldemar
* С Т А Я *
28.11, 23:40 [town]6602[/town] 4864 Город-призрак litwinow
*I Can Feel Your Death*
28.11, 18:46 [town]1822[/town] 12045 Город-призрак sened
* С Т А Я *
28.11, 18:32 [town]4435[/town] 12014 Город-призрак Spartak123
* С Т А Я *
28.11, 07:12 [town]4810[/town] 9658 Город-призрак litwinow
*I Can Feel Your Death*
27.11, 23:23 [town]1678[/town] 16608 Город-призрак sened
* С Т А Я *
27.11, 23:07 [town]5169[/town] 10943 Город-призрак sened
* С Т А Я *
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GREPOLIFE - неофициальный сторонний сайт. Grepolis является разработкой и собственностью InnoGames GmbH
Наш контактный e-mail: info@grepolife.com