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Anniversary of GREPOLIFE - 5 years with you!

We hope you enjoy using our statistics over the years. To celebrate the anniversary, we have prepared a big update:

1. Mobile-Friendly interfase
Finally. We did it. Now you can comfortably use our stats from your mobile device! Try it right now!

2. Favorites
Now you can add players and alliances to your favorites list, just click on the star icon on the page of the desired player or alliance

3. World map
The map now displays the number of the ocean.
The created map can now be shared, it will be available via the link and stored for a week.

In the process of updating the layout, a lot of changes have been made, so in case of errors or bugs, please let us know via email info@grepolife.com


World summary
Active players: 809, inactive within 2-7 days: 170
Fight points today: Attack 851 839, Defence: 119 266
Conquers today: 203
Players and alliances
Best fighters of day
Attack Alliance
+168236  Les Brigands
+136901  Projet X
+105857  Impérium Naval
+64665  Haut les Nains
+57228  L'irréductible Gaulois
+40923  LE BOUSIER
+32933  Les Cavaliers de l'aube
+31071  *Black Silver*
+29120  Charilaos
+26531  Soli-darité
Defence Alliance
+60945  Les Myrmidons
+26850  L'irréductible Gaulois
+17550  Projet X
+13274  Les Cavaliers de l'aube
+10748  VECOTEAS
+10099  KKN.
+9353  les mercenaires
+7994  amigos
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Last 25 world conquests
DateCityPointsOld ownerNew owner
13.02, 21:24 [town]70625[/town] 9990 Ghost city Knauf
13.02, 21:19 [town]112495[/town] 10328 Ghost city pallene
L'irréductible Gaulois
13.02, 21:18 [town]139796[/town] 10758 bertie85 VINC87270
Les Brigands
13.02, 21:14 [town]81394[/town] 9526 Ghost city gotborg
Les Cavaliers de l'aube
13.02, 20:58 [town]101576[/town] 10691 Ghost city Winnie45
The pooh
13.02, 20:52 [town]127103[/town] 10211 Ghost city Magaidh
Loups des surfaces
13.02, 20:41 [town]111126[/town] 16433 Ghost city bigjim64
13.02, 20:41 [town]89167[/town] 10881 Ghost city pallene
L'irréductible Gaulois
13.02, 20:35 [town]46623[/town] 10253 Ghost city deslu
Les Cavaliers de l'aube
13.02, 20:26 [town]130318[/town] 10871 Ghost city allexcity
13.02, 20:21 [town]96803[/town] 10179 Ghost city billloud
Lions des Surfaces
13.02, 19:59 [town]131693[/town] 12407 Ghost city antigone74
Les papillons noirs
13.02, 19:57 [town]149809[/town] 10489 Ghost city ocean38
La Vallée des Rois
13.02, 19:56 [town]145715[/town] 10344 Ghost city lydia85520
Loups des surfaces
13.02, 19:39 [town]149457[/town] 10561 Ghost city Petit Berurier
Lions des Surfaces
13.02, 19:34 [town]60726[/town] 10237 Ghost city mitchlebien
Les Cavaliers de l'aube
13.02, 19:33 [town]80948[/town] 10941 Ghost city Winnie45
The pooh
13.02, 19:16 [town]99520[/town] 16614 Ghost city dream69126
Les Brigands
13.02, 19:15 [town]38107[/town] 10410 Ghost city cobexlaw
Les Cavaliers de l'aube
13.02, 19:14 [town]139248[/town] 10456 Ghost city gaffyx
13.02, 19:03 [town]135728[/town] 10439 Ghost city Magaidh
Loups des surfaces
13.02, 19:02 [town]40279[/town] 15523 Ghost city carthenon
13.02, 19:00 [town]34020[/town] 10187 Ghost city cobexlaw
Les Cavaliers de l'aube
13.02, 18:39 [town]112589[/town] 15706 Ghost city iromeo
Alliance Nouvelle
13.02, 18:34 [town]112783[/town] 9663 Ghost city Regilranco
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GREPOLIFE is an unofficial 3rd party site. Grepolis is the intellectual property of InnoGames GmbH
Contact us via e-mail: info@grepolife.com